As a registered charitable organization, it's the financial support from loyal donors like you that helps us direct our energy towards feeding the hungry, visiting the widows and orphans, and positively impacting our community with the Gospel message - the Good News - of Jesus Christ. Without your help, hundreds of people on the street would still be hungry, and thousands more would be sitting at home without a meal. You help make good happen, and for your help, we are eternally grateful!
Matching Gifts and United Way Campaigns
Many companies offer matching gift programs that can double or even triple an individual's donation - and you get the credit! Many companies also participate in the United Way campaign that allows donors to make a pre-tax donation to an organization of their choice. For more information on matching gifts or company charity campaigns, please contact Nicole Robertson by phone at (514) 694-3347 or by email at Montreal@wisdomandlifeapostolic.org.
Planned Giving
Did you know that including a gift to registered charitable organization can lessen the tax burden of your estate, meaning you can leave more money to your loved ones instead of the tax man when you pass away? There are many beneficial ways to maximize your gift to organizations you care about and leave a lasting legacy. To find out how, consult with your financial planner or email us at Finance@wisdomandlifeapostolic.org.

Ways to Give

Wisdom & Life Apostolic Church
99 Av de Mount Pleasant,
Pointe-Claire QC, H9R 2T7