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Bénédictions Abondantes



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Bountiful Blessings, the subsidiary of Wisdom and Life, a charitable organization recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency, officially opened its doors in 2008.



Our mission is to break down social barriers in our community by feeding the hungry, educating individuals through our various workshops.


Bountiful Blessings, serves as the charitable arm of the church in order to fulfill this mandate. From its inception, the Bountiful Blessings volunteers have come to the aid of individuals and families regardless of the need.


Here are some of the initiatives that we have carried out to date:


Feeding the Hungry:


Monthly Missions to feed the Homeless men and women of Montreal, Annual Food Drives during the Christmas Season which provides food baskets and grocery gift cards for low-income individuals, Toy Drive benefiting the Montreal Children’s Hospital in conjunction with our Annual Food Drive and other Seasonal Food Drives are also organized wherever the need arises.

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Cold March for the Homeless

SOS Grocery Gift Card Giveaway

Street Feeding Mission

Soup & Porridge Fundraiser




Scholarship Excellence Awards for students who strive for academic excellence yet lack the resources, Back-to-School drives providing school supplies to impoverished children and educational workshops that will directly impact individuals' futures.  


Youth Drug Prevention:


We are invested in making sure the youth of today possess the knowledge to make the right choices, especially when it comes to substance abuse. Prevention programs at the community level helps to decrease the occurrence of substance abuse.



“But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” ~ I John 3:17


Community Care

Bountiful Blessings is one way in which we strive to emulate Christ’s example by doing good wherever we are. This ministry is responsible for providing for the needs of people in our community throughout the year and as needs manifest. 



Bountiful Blessings is one way in which we strive to emulate Christ’s example by doing good wherever we are. This ministry is responsible for providing for the needs of people in our community throughout the year and as needs manifest. 


30 Av Queen, Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4G2
T: 438-458-5155



©2023 Wisdom & Life Apostolic  | Created by

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